T.a.k.e.C.a.r.e of Myself

When hungry know where and how to make myself full
When in troubles know how to fix it, or, SCREW it! (pls be responsible for the outcome xD)
When sick know when to go see doctor instead of crying or terus pengsan.. X_X
When things rosak, err, also can fix by myself. air paip bocor ar, plug burned...

X) just realized that my daddy are amazing! 
he used to fix all the rosak thing at home
apa-apa saja shout "ba~~~~!!!!"
got "kat zat"(cockroach)! my fan doesn't move! my lamp doesn't light up!
my kerusi goyang~ etc etc... =P 
of course, I'm not that kind of soft girl, I do some hammering too!
I installed cupboard from pieces of woods and some screws~ 
Big cupboard OK? taller than me is consider BIG dy.. LOL! 

So, here comes the main story la, I've replaced my kettle's burned plug
xD feel abit proud of myself tim.. at least I didn't burn up the new one also... 

See.. even one of the "leg" cacat.. haha

All you need is just a new Plug + Screw driver

Inside view, left one is damaged, you just need to replace exactly the same colour 
of wire to the same position of the new plug, not sure? can refer the small card that 
include instruction. hehe

Oh well, so girls~ don't ever shout my plug burned! my plug rosak! 
just spend a RM10 and do some DIY laa..
no need to buy a new one~~~ >_* 

Yesterday is Christmas, friend came back from site, 
and suggest, "eii, later we go Karambrunei see sunset ok?"
wOw~ great la~ Nexus leh... 
here are some photos

>O< love beach!

Sun is shift with moon liao.. haha!


Stand back abit, look towards to the sea~ wow

Stand at the seaside, look to the resort area~ So romantic 

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