There are so many things we can't control. Just like we can't control our face won't have pimples during period ^o^! About 2 years ago, I have read a book about communication the title quite funny in mandarin " Ways to communicate with crocodiles". LOL! Yeah... crocodile is some kind of animal in the category of amphibian which can live in water or on the land. Crocs' character are quiet, meticulous, introversive and quite stubborn also invasive. Just like humans, there are many types of human being.
In our daily life, we have to communicate with ppls, deal with them. For me, currently, have to deal with my parent and a important person in my life. The book taught me a very important step that is before u want to get something from a person, u must give them the things that they
want it, such as, u need to borrow money from ur uncle because he is rich but then he quite upset these days because his wife suspected him have keep a woman outside. Alright, then u have to console him and giving him some advice in order to get back the trust from his wife. He have accepted ur advice and he made it to get back trust from his wife, so now u can solve ur problem by discuss with him about ur financial problem. Or, u can try to follow their intention then express ur purpose carefully by taking care of their feeling so that u can achieve ur purposes. Before u deal with a person, u must know wat they thinking, which ways of communication they prefered. All these can avoid and reduce missunderstanding and conflicts happen. Dunno y, juz now during my bathe I have tot all of this, I've forgotten all of it! I should knw very well the way to avoid conflicts and I should knw how to manae my social life.
But, it seems I didn't apply it in my life. I admit that I'm not mature enough, not enough to be patient when all problems come to me, not enough composedly. Its very late now, its midnight. Where my heart, my feeling and my mind are calm. I'm thinking that I am wrong.
I shouldn't have complain so much, about my family, my frens and my studies. They are not born to obey me.
I just.. sometimes, can't accept the imperfect that I always said to myself that there are no PERFECT. But, at this moment, I've look back, I did not apply what I 've said. Mum's said: Put down is the great and easy method toward happiness.Hm... true true.. I will stop complaining. My frens are human too, don't care wat have their did, as long as they don't do criminal, don't do something bad to others. They are good frens. Even, if they did, I will not comment about it, because they should have know wat they did, good or bad, god will judge, others will jugde, not me. Because I'm not perfect too, I will be bad and do wrong too.
Past is past, appreciate the moment now, do good thing, say good thing, make ppl happy, u will be sharing the happiness too.
Because everyone loves Amanda, Amanda will loves u all too!

In our daily life, we have to communicate with ppls, deal with them. For me, currently, have to deal with my parent and a important person in my life. The book taught me a very important step that is before u want to get something from a person, u must give them the things that they
want it, such as, u need to borrow money from ur uncle because he is rich but then he quite upset these days because his wife suspected him have keep a woman outside. Alright, then u have to console him and giving him some advice in order to get back the trust from his wife. He have accepted ur advice and he made it to get back trust from his wife, so now u can solve ur problem by discuss with him about ur financial problem. Or, u can try to follow their intention then express ur purpose carefully by taking care of their feeling so that u can achieve ur purposes. Before u deal with a person, u must know wat they thinking, which ways of communication they prefered. All these can avoid and reduce missunderstanding and conflicts happen. Dunno y, juz now during my bathe I have tot all of this, I've forgotten all of it! I should knw very well the way to avoid conflicts and I should knw how to manae my social life.
But, it seems I didn't apply it in my life. I admit that I'm not mature enough, not enough to be patient when all problems come to me, not enough composedly. Its very late now, its midnight. Where my heart, my feeling and my mind are calm. I'm thinking that I am wrong.
I shouldn't have complain so much, about my family, my frens and my studies. They are not born to obey me.
I just.. sometimes, can't accept the imperfect that I always said to myself that there are no PERFECT. But, at this moment, I've look back, I did not apply what I 've said. Mum's said: Put down is the great and easy method toward happiness.Hm... true true.. I will stop complaining. My frens are human too, don't care wat have their did, as long as they don't do criminal, don't do something bad to others. They are good frens. Even, if they did, I will not comment about it, because they should have know wat they did, good or bad, god will judge, others will jugde, not me. Because I'm not perfect too, I will be bad and do wrong too.
Past is past, appreciate the moment now, do good thing, say good thing, make ppl happy, u will be sharing the happiness too.
Because everyone loves Amanda, Amanda will loves u all too!

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