
Showing posts from December, 2010

Gotta self-examine..

*sob sob...* "ngan mong mong, yee lung lung" ?  I'm not crying lo... I'm demam liao! (awww~ must be 2 days ago said that I'm very healthy and too proud of it..  offend the Health God liao.. x_X) Because KK raining everyday?  NO! Even I have been riding back to home with motor under the rain  I'm yet get sick! (ops.. once again.. ) then now, I'm defeated by "ajishio pepper" !!!  because lastnight makan noodles put too much of ajishio pepper liao... ><  then after makan, feel damn sleepy oh, terus tidor walaO... no drink much of water.. my throat feeling burn then.... the consequences.. need not mention~  Haaattt chiu! ~  sien... ZZzzZzZZzzzz the tears come out with sneezes, ngam ngam hou lo.. can dramatic abit  to be sad about my result..  wuwuwuwu... drop liao! drop 0.03? X) for those whom are not in our world memang cannot understand de laa even 0.01 also can beat you down! that brings a changes in the CGPA as well.. drop too~...

T.a.k.e.C.a.r.e of Myself

When hungry know where and how to make myself full When in troubles know how to fix it, or, SCREW it! (pls be responsible for the outcome xD) When sick know when to go see doctor instead of crying or terus pengsan.. X_X When things rosak, err, also can fix by myself. air paip bocor ar, plug burned... X) just realized that my daddy are amazing!  he used to fix all the rosak thing at home apa-apa saja shout "ba~~~~!!!!" got "kat zat"(cockroach)! my fan doesn't move! my lamp doesn't light up! my kerusi goyang~ etc etc... =P  of course, I'm not that kind of soft girl, I do some hammering too! I installed cupboard from pieces of woods and some screws~  Big cupboard OK? taller than me is consider BIG  dy.. LOL!  So, here comes the main story la, I've replaced my kettle's burned plug xD feel abit proud of myself tim.. at least I didn't burn up the new one also...  See.. even one of the "leg" cacat.. haha All you need is just a new Pl...

Enjoy holiday so muchhhhh...

Hohoho! Merry Christmas ~  Really love the Red + Green colour,  (never ever match this 2 colour on my body. haha!) the theme and the songs of Christmas though Christmas has no special meaning to me Cause Im not a christian. I'm just followed the flow and the crowd  to enjoy the joyous moment of Christmas ..hehe This year is special for me, cause I'm staying in Sabah for my thesis (this is a formal reason.. xD) but, in fact I am very enjoy my holiday with  my GF! we "upgrade" our relationship from housemate to roomate..  wahahah~ then she be my BF during this "dating" days..  we hang out on bike, rock here rock there.. hunting for nice food~ nice view~ Participate in places that have events, huhu! the Christmas Carnival in Gaya Street  is just unforgettable! We love the "fireworks", though not a small kids liao bukan tak pernah tengok fireworks, but, it's relatively light up our nights, telling us that we are not a slaver for our FYP but for ...


好像突然才发觉 原来自己很不懂得表达自己的真实感受 好像有点越来越内向 呵呵呵,怎么可能? 我喜欢报喜不报忧 通常大家听到我的碎碎念 那都只是我一时拿不出主意 或者想要有人听我倾诉而已 不喜欢气氛变得不好,不开心 总是想让气氛快活起来 总扮演着开心果 因为我知道,无论我遇到任何障碍 我都是最后的策决者 跟别人分享又如何? 最痛苦的那一刻 还是自己才体会到那滋味 最努力的那一刻 还是只有自己才懂 但是,开心不一样 可以感染别人,自己也开心 何必让自己的忧也让人忧? 或许习惯了一个人做决定,自己负责任 所以在这里要过群体生活 真的让我吃了不少苦 大三了,才学习群体定律,会迟吗? 有点,呵呵呵.... 但是,我有我自己的一套 要的是 quality not quantity 有些朋友,我应该好好珍惜 而不是有那么的一些冲突或不一样的观点 就不跟人家friend 哈哈,有误会要先沉淀,看清楚再行动 因为,可能有时候你觉得人家对你不好 是你自己觉得而已,并不是真的不好 过了那个时间点,一切都会好起来 有些话,我真的只会说那么的一次 或许你会觉得我冲动,很不实际 但是,那是真心话,因为没有装饰 没有拐弯抹角,就是一句简简单单的话, 表达我的心意 并不是我不再进取 而是,这是我认为的淡定吧 就是,不是任何事情只要我认定了 就非要达到不可,毫无顾忌的.. 不再是了 太过于顾前瞻后?呵 哈哈?熟悉的背影?不告诉你! 但是,她却很乌龙的,忘记自己关了引擎 =_=  然后很担心的一直start不到机车,我也很慌 好心的年轻守卫走过来说:napa? tak boleh ka? 他试了几下,然后问: motor ni ada start ka?  Baaaaaaaaaaang! 喔!我忘记我关了!! 冷汗掉满地...哈哈哈哈 唯有傻笑 每次去KK都经过的大圈圈,然后其中一条分岔路就是来这里 有来过吗?呵呵呵 漂亮,寂静,但是无人烟的地方 却种了好品种的palm tree,一棵幼苗值2-4千令吉 比较大的值7-8千令吉 一共有50多棵吧?自己算呗 政府把纳税人的钱都花在哪里了?


这几天很难让自己起床 调好闹钟7.30 / 8 点早上醒来 就是响了之后就让他snooze 不然就关掉 zZzzzzz... 就是很累 今天更惨,醒来就头痛 洗了个澡比较好一点,就想想整理好该做什么吧 又不想去买东西吃,就随便吃面包和泡面>_< 配着电视剧,哈哈 一下子而已,就又再发作头痛了 X_X 然后发冷,想睡觉。 睡啊睡啊,迷迷糊糊,听见同房在房里东忙西忙的 然后,她出门,本来想问她去哪里啊,几点回来 我都好像没办法张开眼睛 醒来了,可能没有吃到什么solid的食物, 又继续吃面包  然后,她回来了 就聊聊一下,我说道,想吃饭,想去XX打包经济饭 他说刚刚她打包吃了 嗯,有沟通误会吧? 但是我不舒服,所以就特别敏感 就觉得,我都开口了,难道没有想到或者发觉我没有吃到什么? 会不会太过于不敏感了他? “心不难,就什么都不难” 心里不觉得难,做什么都不难 呵,“显掉” 很珍惜一种友谊叫做,十年不见,一见如故 虽然彼此都有自己的生活圈,自己的朋友圈 但,偶尔抽出自己找回一开始的朋友 叙叙旧,真的很不错 虽说天下无不散之宴席 而且,不变出自于万千变化之中 但是我仍愿能够细水长流  哈哈哈  鱼头米粉!啊~~~只要炸鱼肉+鲜奶 好吃!