
Showing posts from 2009


转载自:新浪 刚刚看到了这一则很有意思的时尚文章,我挺赞成的,因为本人因为没有那么多本钱去买衣服还有找到最适合自己的穿着; 亦没有“本钱”买个10块钱的促销衣也能穿的很漂亮,天生不丽质啊~ Tim Gunn 是 Project RunWay 里的其中一位时尚大师,他在时尚指南里 说道,女人其实只需要10套衣服,并且买衣服时随着季节与时尚潮流再依序 那10套衣服的指南来买。那就不浪费money 又能穿得跟大明星一样前卫又时尚了。 必备单品1:Jeans    腿部宽大的低腰牛仔裤流行一时(它们现在也很流行),不过,窄腿高腰的牛仔裤又回来了,想赶时髦的话可以买一条噢... 必备单品2:Cashmere Sweater 羊绒衫 选择买衣服是要遵守:你喜欢的,你适合的,你需要的。 Tim Gunn 说羊绒衫会比较贵,不是每个人都有,但是,女人应该要宠一下自己, 赶快选购一个吧! 必备单品3:Skirt 腰裙 这里说的skirt是既有女人味,又有办公室风格的腰裙。经典与时髦并重,但是最重要的是要穿 出自己的风格。 必备单品4:Day Dress 所谓的Day Dress 是指白天出门穿的连衣裙。要选适合自己的哦,因为连衣裙很有女人味呢,颜色、款式、花样都可以是你自己喜欢的。 必备单品5:blazer 夹克衫 不必太注重品牌,因为那会让你忽略了内在的东西, 挑对款式的blazer也能很有帅气的女人味呢! 必备单品6:Basic Black Dress 黑色洋装有长有短,但是质地一定要好。而短一些的,如果场合合适的话,会比长得更有风情,其中最美的依然是X形,衬托出女性苗条、修长的身段,女人味儿十足。 必备单品7:Trench Coat 风衣最经典,搭配得好的话,可以让你10套衣服变成20套来穿。 必备单品8:Classic Dress Pants 正式西裤,不一定在正式场合或上班时才可穿。黑色无疑是最容易搭配的。但是别的颜色 亦可依自己喜好搭配。 必备单品9:White Shirt 白衬衫,是经典中的经典,你可以挑最简洁的,也可以选有时髦的小细节、适合自己的白衬衣。说到适合自己,如果你的肩膀比较宽,就应该避免穿大领子的白衬衣。 必备单...


嗯... 回老家后都没有写过东西咧.. 就这样2009年进入尾声了。 可以说是多灾多难吗?哈哈哈...因为2012的电影影响。上半年和下半年差别很大。嗯。 只剩下好像被骗的感觉。=P 想逃避现实,不想长大。 回顾一下,我其实很幸运啦... 没啥大事件发生,只是老爱生病。=.=一定是之前说得某人多,结果现在病从口入。2009,真是一个戏剧化的一年,朋友间离离合合,情侣间也是分分合合,落差很大。希望,成绩不要有太大落差,本小姐心脏负担不起啦.. 我的心脏已经穿洞了。 今天练琴时,弹了很久没弹的“梦中的婚礼”,2年前弹是充满幻想、很童话的, 现在的感觉比较踏实了,很舍不得,有点激动。生活还是得move forward,我的字典里是没有move backward的。除了,驾车要退车。哈哈哈。偶尔,心还是隐隐作痛;偶尔,还是发发梦,我们会和好;偶尔,会沉溺在忧郁不能自拔。但是,都只是偶尔。过了就过了。 我的敌人永远是我自己。 可是,最近却多了两个小人,可能是看我过得太安逸了,作怪!智慧牙! 我的天!牙齿下排分别两边都长着智慧牙,一个早在多年前被证实是“难产”的了, 可是,当时嫌手术费贵(rm500)然后,吃药后消肿了、不疼了。就又不理它了。 结果,现在,另一颗又要长出来了。那天去看牙医,他说另一颗也是“难产”,我的天! 杀了我吧!现在起价了,rm800! =.=||| 很想死.... 问牙医,两颗一起动手术行吗?行!那么,有便宜一点吗?嗯,会啦,会扣一点。噢..一点哦... @.@||| rm1600 我可以交一学期的学费,还有剩咧~ >< 真歹命。 星期日和阿亮他们去了shah alam的农业公园,呵呵呵,去踏脚车。我说我不会,他们说会载我。结果,哪里的脚车都不能载人的。=.=哈哈哈哈!我是个标准的城市女孩,啥米都不会。没关系,我都在UMS练了一双很能走路的腿了。追在你们后面咯... 还算你们有人性,不时因为山路太陡了,就下来推脚车陪我走。哈哈哈哈~ blek!真的很开心,谢谢你们。都没有一直问我不开心的事。生活就这样,很简单,简单的开心。可以因为,我说了个冷笑话,你们都气得一直笑、一直骂我。哈哈哈哈,在你们面前我不必伪装。虽然,你们又是也蛮机车的。哈哈哈! 在回来KL之前,UMS的朋友们帮我提早庆祝生日了。感谢你...

Left brain or Right brain?

Why everytime I come back must listen to all these hysteria? Life is very complicated and full with uneasy... I've try ma best to make my life to be easy and simple.. get satisfy easily, get happy easily... People said I actually think too much, complicate the simply matter I don't knw, sometimes really lost.. I don't know am I really complicate the matter or am I escaping the truth I'm headstrong, I don't like people control or interfere me that's why I never wanted to dominate, except for certain situation la... why can't the people I really care did not understand? I can accept that human aren't perfect, no one is perfect what someone love to do, and hate to do, is very personal.. Why must another one to interfere and comment? and even wanna stop them from doing if they think it's inappropriate to do so? Maybe other's comment or opinion does make sense, I got it. I really got it. But y u want  me to follow exactly wat u want me to...


不能告诉你,因为,说了,你也不能真的明白、感受到。只能在这里,用文字表达。傻傻的… 我也不懂,自己到底付出了多少,付出,有得衡量的吗? 我并不想用“欠”,这个字眼来形容,因为我不觉得自己欠你,因为,我不会还你。而是,为你一直付出,付出給你,你想要的。让你想要在累时,依赖在我身上,耍赖、撒娇,像个小孩;让你,把你真正的情绪都只让我看见(虽然我不喜欢,因为你会很凶,也不讲理);让你专心去做你要做的事情(虽然我也会不喜欢,因为你会把我晾在一旁) 我真的很想念你… … 不要你离开我。只想一直相信,你只是暂时没办法理清自己的问题,或者面对我们之间的问题,而不是,用冷暴力,来惩罚我。 我不能相信,你会用冷暴力来让我屈服,用冷暴力来逼喜欢你的人说要离开你。我决不相信。 看了好多文章,都说,金牛座的人一旦做了决定就决不回头。那么,你想好了吗?做好了决定给吗?你不说就是你的决定?然后,头也不回?你不是这样的人,我相信。但是,好矛盾,好挣扎。看到你一点都不想理我,看我。我的心就痛… 更不确定,我所相信的会不会是我自己的傻? 不管别人怎么看,不管别人怎么说,不管值不值得,我只知道,我要和你在一起。我们的心相爱,在一起,就能够解决所有的问题。你不认同吗?为什么非要把外在是事情扯进我们之前,让彼此的心都乱了。 但是… 我已感觉不到你的心了。你的心,装了什么?我害怕装了另一个女生,我更害怕,我不在里面。我们吵架,我问你“你心里还有我吗?”,或许真的男女有别吧。你说“如果心里没有你,就不会为你做这么多,不会因为你而生气。”可…有时,真的,没必要生气的啊。你怎么那么爱生气? 又看了一篇文章,“对不起”并不是说说而已… 对不起可以是一个承诺。 相信爱情但不迷信爱情。 我还是相信,爱情会有美好的结局。但,我努力克制自己不迷信我们之间的爱情。若,你不爱了,请告诉我。别让我苦苦等待… 等到心都撕裂、败坏。

The Mid-autumn festival @ UMS

HaPPy mid-autumn festival~ Its a rainny festival season... haha! happy becuz after a few days of dry and hot, finally raining ler.. but then, so sad that this rain doesn't come naturally it's causes disaster which Tsunami visited south America, and the happened earthquake in Indonesia which also affected peninsular Malaysia.   The very first Pesta Tanglung UMS is already over, perrsonally I think it's successful, because It has been attracted many peoples come, arround 1000 have ba?  though there is abit imperfect because the Rain God doesn't give face, in the middle of the event it RAIN! and it was an outdoor event! everyone is running back to KgE hahaha.. I'm 1 of it too... when I reached room, whole body get wet and now fever abit.. Don't understand my body la recently these 2 days so easy get fever.. Well, It's really feel good to be frank with my most trusted and beloved one... eheheheh.. Don't missunderstanding, as if u're my UMS f...


心,空空的 装不下,却也不满 全化为满脑的怀念 念当时的你,念当时的我 怨你变了,怨我不够珍惜 理智、情感,相互抵触 放下,微笑,转身离去 是唯一的结局吗? 抑或,会换来你觉悟的挽留? 不,那已太迟了 也许,你早就看透一切 我的不羁,原来并不是该为你而改变 嫣然一笑,胜过千言万语。 爱,是什么? 在这灿烂的年纪 我们懂得爱吗? 我们懂 爱到痛时,便是爱 爱到能够接受别人的不爱,独自站起来 我们懂得爱 不让任何事物干扰我们的发展 是疯狂却真切的爱 岁月逐渐流失 爱,变质了 只因为我们都从爱中学习到各种不一样的哲学 我们追求的不再是爱,更胜于爱 神父说,两人能在一起是修来的缘分 任何困难,只要足够沟通、互相让步 撒旦的陷阱,不足威胁 根基的是,两人心里有爱 珍爱对方,是珍惜及疼爱 就像耶稣,珍爱我们 以行动及圣经告诉我们。 爱,请说出口,再行动证明。 所有的爱都一样。

Why girl have to be so strong?

Why guys need girl to be strong? How strong you want us to be? I think we are strong, coz we have period every month, Do you know how pain it is? until cold sweat coming out from our body, feeling everything is not right, somehow we can't escape class everyday, and still have to do our routine. I think we are strong, coz we have to take care out health very much, to keep us looks good and don't suddenly get cancer. Especially, breast cancer & cervix cancer. Do you know how hurt and harsh for us to cut off our precious and symbolic of a woman? I think we are strong, coz we always take people's feeling deeply, we always support people's thought and tell them what have they miss out. Especially for our beloved and most trusted wan.. You might think we are too emo and sensitive. But, its because we always believe in deep feeling, deep feeling can support strong spirit. Like you. I think we are strong, coz we would give our most precious to our beloved on...

Plan Plan Plan...

This sem so damn much assignments, so damn much little tiny things... and my midterm never ever can finish fast fast! still got 1 more midterm to go.. ^^ happy that will go back home during Raya.. hohoho! though I know for sure after went back must kena "ceramah".. but then nvm lar.. too much things happen in this sem Need to go back hug hug my Mickey and fight with my Cooper.. hehehe! Though go back to refresh my mind and myself lar.. but then still need too plan well works that shud be done in this precious holidays.. coz after holidays there will be ALOTZ tasks!!!!!! OMg... First, UMS tkd open larrr... then PAP larr.. aiyok! I'm such a lazy ppl.. hahaha! Aiyok!!! I old liao larrr!!! Keep on forgetting stuff.. I die lorr... I got 3 times absent my meeting continuous.. My members sure very mad with me.. But I really too much stuff in head to think, I can't even sleep well.. though I know I really need rest and must sleep at the time I set myself to sleep.. But the...

Decompression: The Great escape~

It's kinda stress and feel like everything is not right in ma life, and it's not merely me, and also my 2 others roommates.. haha! So, we were saying wanna go island, we talk talk then I thought is just talk, coz I also worried about if go island then will spend alotz.. hahaha~ But then, because of the bazaar food again, make me stomachache in the early morning of 5am, I was so frustrated.... And then, in the 7am, my roommates were talking and wake me up, they said, " Sumandak! bagun lar, mau pigi pulau ni..." I was like.. "wat?!" firstly, I was thinking I dunwan go lar, not feeling well and tight budget somemore... ehehehe... but then, when still got 15mins b4 they depart, OK! I make up my mind, just go lar~! have fun~~ though its just the 3 gals of us.. ahahahah!   The only bad thing is the guy we ask for rent car, we already deal with him that we rent for 1 hour in the morning that he will send us to Jesselton Point, and then come pick us up at 4pm, Ok, ...

Life is short, be happy .... ?

This semester have been very harsh to me, many problems comes to me 1 by 1... I hardly control my emotion, very hard... easily affected by things happen to me. Talk to many friends... giving the same advice. For me, I was not think the same way. Now, I realize I was protected when I'm with my family, and my friends.. But now, I'm somewhere without them, only thing I can do is talk to them through phone call and I will not tell them how harsh I am in here.. Not really don't want them worry about me, just don't want them... hm.. worry? haha.. I also not sure liao... maybe lorr.. I think mainly is, don't want them say me sometimes just need comfort and encourages.. I love you, my mum, my dad, my Mickey, my Cooper... Miss u all very much.. I don't know what I am doing now is it correct. I just think I don't want to regret..  Mum, if u see this come and scold me.. ><

Boring but peaceful holiday..

My one week holiday end today tomorrow will start busy again... > my assignments still in progress, then... other stuff still pending.. Don't understand why so many translation to do in this semester huh? by the way, I'm very poor liao... OMG.. I totally pk liao... But I'm so wanted to have a far trip to visit natures.. So, this sem break I have just sleep enough enough and watch drama enough enough.. and then settle things with someone very thoroughly.. and hope that will bring us to another level. Ohya, the only thing I have done in this week, I went to see Taekwondo Sabah Open and found someone who love piano, perhaps, music notes too.. hehehe! Well, my roommate ar, one of them went back to hometown then another one surprisingly, she stay in room to study for midterm and do assignment. LOLxx~ wat a miracle... coz she's the one who are very social one... Anyhow, I just know the cruelty truth, that is I have to be very very economical.....


长辈常说,你怎么对待别人,别人就怎么对待你。现实社会永远不用这一套,真心对待但绝不傻傻的付出,不要盲目,不要以为你付出了什么,就要别人也能用同等心来对待你。刚刚,我才告诉一个朋友,就把朋友关系也看成恋人关系吧。当缘分来时,大家志同道合,就像是两条平行线交错,然后成为朋友、恋人。当缘分不再时,大家性格不合分开咯。对我来讲,远距离的朋友更能交心,而靠近的朋友就应该保持距离,以免有摩擦,也是有位朋友说的。让我突然觉悟,对啊~朋友再怎么好,也不一定必要完全接受及包容你的缺点,道理更男女朋友关系是一样的。因为,没有人是完美的,那么,我们也有权利远离不好的,过去了,就让他过去咯。 前几天,我还因为此事满不开心的,因为他的态度真的不好,我们之间并没有什么摩擦,但是就是我觉的很有压力,彼此处事与看法慢慢拉远了,大家追求的不一样了。我不想因为不想失去他而一直处于卑微,可能,在他心里是生气我,为什么好像突然离他而去。但是,只可以说,他变得越来越不像当初我认识的那个他。我还记得,他把头转过去那一幕。心疼... ... 或许,只因为我太傻,时常被人利用还不清醒。最后,当发现了,反抗,换来的是我的不对。 不执着... 不执着.... 现在又开始雨季了,我喜欢这样的季节。愿我俩细水长流... ... ...

Thesis or Practical?

Today supposed to have class, but due to H1N1 the class has been canceled. I was so free and so I went to see my lecturer in the afternoon whereby he is also my mentor. Well, first and first he automatically talk to me in English and then ask result then ask where you from, which one is your highschool....etc... I'm glad to have him as my mentor, not that stress, =P compare to Y***d, haha! If you know me well you know who am I mentioned. Because he seems like just interested in one person, em.. one of my mate. Always... when he saw me he sure ask where is she.. hahaha ALright, back to my topic, I was thinking should I go for thesis or practical? Initially I thought I'm going for practical, because I think it's hard to get a job other than job in government department which I'm studying International Relations, so I decide to try for practical before I graduate. But then, my mentor said that you have an advantage to get into some big company, such as my senior whom gradu...

Everything will be fine

Things comes and go, people comes and go, relationships comes and go, life comes and go... Many things comes and leave us a trace or... memories... This semester is a heavy one for me, (XD in fact every new semester is heavy for me > Oh yeah... for assignments like 赶鸭子上架, everything have to start now... This semester I'm going to have a small event to do, it's public speaking with Exhibition upon the topic we got --- NAM. My team are a very strong team, and very lucky Kian Fung same team with me.. hohoho.... In this group I become bendahari, erm... I not sure I can do a report upon account or not.. hahah! Will need help from Chee Yang.. hohoho.. During the holidays I have found a love quote that said couple that fights the most means they love each other very much, because they are each other very much. Em.... I was provoked by this quote.. Wish that every couples realize this... But, most importantly, after fight must talk nicely and peace about the problem and apologize an...

Disease arround us

The disease of H1N1 have phobia all of us, except me. =P I don't know why I don't really so afraid of these disease and disaster.... I know that actually danger is actually exist and arround us, living with us daily but just they are not active and was sleeping. Tsunami, earthquake, H1N1, SARS...etc.. all are angry creatures, they have live just like human, but they don't have a "bentuk" so we don't see them by eyes. They angry human destroying the environment? The increase of human population doesn't bring benefits but ruining their habitat so they take revenge on us? hahah! I wonder... Sometimes, I really hope that I can see and experienced Tsunami. It was once for a lifetime! ahahaah.. sorry frens, for u all who afraid of these. Yesterday, MPP told us that there are 2 cases of infection H1N1 in UMS, and urge us to wear mask in the campus, also the campus dean will have dicussion with minister of health to talk about closing UMS is necessary or not. We...

It will never be change

It will never be change, I'm a person who think TOO much It will never be change, I'm a impulsive person It will never be change, I'm a emotional person It will never be change, I'm not easily compromise It will never be change, I'm so sensitive and no hesitate to confront with you It will never be change, I'm so into you and wanted to put you in my pocket It will never be change, I need support physically and psychologically from my love one It will never be change, never ever be change..... I'm still me, myself... Have I ruin everything arround me? or, Just ruining myself? My heart so empty... where is the love?

Hypocrite : Hypocrisy

Well, gotta say that lastnight is terribly hot... It makes me can't sleep well the whole night, I just know that i got wake up, because I have kick my hp again drop to the downstair bed.. Hahaha.. omg.. then I'm so blur because I am very tired already, I climb down from the stair and pick up the hp put on table (thank god I din fall down from double decker bed). Until this morning, I feel like I'm like sick, got fever abit... But actually ... hm... yeah, not feeling well but it's a monthly routine... XD Recently, a friend always saying a word to me, HYPOCRITE. It measn that a person could act like he agree u but in fact he disagree, or, a simple one, he actually dislike that person but he might think of his benefits between he and you so he act like he likes you and being good with you. That's what I understand about hypocrite. I was thinking about this behaviour lately, I found out, it was like.. can't be abstain in our daily life. ...

The dramatic 21st July 24, 2009

It is the second I’ve been living back in KgE, as before I have complaint that another temporary roommate she quite weird and annoy, but finally she is my “gui ren” hahah.. Because the lovely Tuesday morning, I have class only in the afternoon so I have a enough sleep on that day. While I’m surfing the internet to check the appeal result ( cuz according to the unit perumahan 21st july supposed to be the day that release result or perhaps will be delay to the next 2 days) in the SMP but then it’s still show me “tiada maklumat anda”. So, I was like…. Frustrated. Somemore, my another fren who also din get sms me told me that he had went to anjung and the officer told him result have been delayed to next Monday. So, I was like, SO SAD… Then, my “roommate” came back so I asked her did u check ur result? As I was just trying to find some common topics to tok to her to reduce my frustration.. hahaah.. Oh well, she provided me a very useful info that is in the afternoon the in charge...

Awful day...

Yesterday, I have moved into KgE illegally. The day before I came, I was full with expect, expect it will be more better than in KF. hahaha.. so, I was so semangat to take 2 big pack of heavy stuff walked to the bustop. It's a quite lucky day for me to wait for bus. After I was in KgE, my friend help me clean the room, and actually, just.. I'm not that biasa in a strange place. Somemore not all my stuff have bring here, especially my beloved kettle, I need water to survive! make drinks and cook maggi mee~ But, I have planned it all, I will be back to KF in Tuesday morning time to take some other stuff. But then, taking a kettle is really a big thing... hahaha.. ppl know u r moving.. My title is awful day... so far, din see anything awful right? LOL, every storm happen after a sunny day. Oh ya, yesterday School of Social Sciences have proudly invited Prof. Dr. Chandran Muzaffar from USM who studied politics science came to our grand BMU to give us a speech about " The cha...


While on the way from KF to UMS, I was looking at the pass by scenery. Memory flash back to the year before I entered UMS. The year 2008, I was just finished STPM and got a job from jewellery shop- DeGem in Bangsar, and my wish and prays for everyday was I hope I can earn as much money as I can and get into any local university I can. And then, when I get the offer letter from UMS, I'm so absolute excited! but then, my dad said it's too far and need to pay for flight so he decided not to send me here. And, we have family talks over and over again, I know it will be a burden that if I get UUM I have just need to buy bus ticket with a few ten ringgit instead of a few hundreds of ringgit. Eventually, he have nodded his head. Yeaa huu~ the 1st day and 1st week and 1st month and even 1st sem was so adventurous for me. Get to know new frens~ Get to know new rules~ Get to know how to wash clothes without washing machine~ Get to survive in a new place that without Neway Ktv and ...

Emo but busy a whl day, so reduce the emo.. XD

So sad… I’ve been told that keputusan rayuan has been delayed to 21st July. And today, I was quite surprise with my patient, hahaha! I went to library first, to photocopy all the documents for me to do appeal. Then, I was quite lucky to met my previous housemate she told me that her friend’s room got 1 empty place and her friend was at library too. She gave me her room number immediately. I was, Yeah! Hopefully that room really empty and HEP will pity me and give me that place. Actually, I’m going to print out the letter as yesterday I met a MPP he told me better u provide HEP a particular room number so that easily for them to give u chance to get back the residence there. And, my housemate was give me the important info before I print out the letter that without room number! Thanks Poh Ling! So sad again… my dear have works to do with his gang, so he has to stay in hostel… Ok la, it’s in my expectation before come back to UMS because everybody are starting to be busy. But ...

KingFisher, the rented room

no wardrobe in the room so, have to bought a simple stand to hang clothes in Giant hahaha! RM25 only lerr.. Ok bah.. Hehehe... My maid is doing my bed for me.. Em.. as u can see the tilam is very thin liao... before we put bedsheet we have to fold our blanket and what so ever soft but thick stuff to make it less uncomfortable ... It is quite late to clean the room ad.. btw this single room actually not that bad as i expected. quite spacecious for one person to live. Small and tidy.. In here, I really have to thanks the fren who given me this room to stay for temporary during I wait for my appeal result. Also, thanks for another fren who had help me so so so much regarding to my "dorm issue", cuz I really dun know how am I supposed to stay since I dont want to bother fren in KG to squeeze with them in 1 small tiny bed. But then I still have to bother this fren to help me get a room outside campus. Just, now, the only problem is I have no transport to go to campus since I...


看到别人的优点时,也看看自己的优点;看到别人的缺点时,也看看自己的缺点。这是最近正在学习的一门功夫。哈哈哈.... 因为突然间,身边很多人、事、物,都会有突变。突变的有好的,也有坏的。 感情,是很抽象又很复杂。当你以为是真心对待,一瞬间却又变成虚情假意,然后就觉得感情被骗了。现在想想,其实是不是被骗是看你怎么去看待彼此的感情。他对你好时,是不是真的有对你好?帮助到你?有的话,那就是真心。对你不好时,是不是因为需要对你不好从而帮助到他? 我感情洁癖者,当我所以为的感情有丝毫瑕疵,我就开始一直只看到里面的缺点、对方的缺点。反过来,其实自己也是有瑕疵的。对于朋友... 对友情,会更执着。因为蛮难会找到志同道合,又有情有义的了。每个人,每一天,都在经历着事情,从而学习到新领悟,然后再改变自己。 人与人之间,无论是做成朋友,抑或情人都是多世修来的缘分才能认识的,一定要珍惜,一点小争执或是误会就翻脸。有心病也要趁早说出来解决,当然,这必须是两人都肯面对。

Orange: Colour of courage & energy

Just watched transformer 2 this Tuesday in the midnight at Genting.. Whoa! Very nice lerr.. it makes u won’t stare at ur watch for “wat the time now? When finish?” LOLx! But, it will make u shock “EH!? Finished liao?” LOLXXX! When love comes to reality, erm.. when love, the passion, comes to certain period the passion the sweetness seems to be fading out.. For me, I consider this is a period of transition. The relationship will be transform to another stage, a more mature stage. XD my transitional period my every of my bf also very very hard, coz have to go through lots of “communication” means Fight! And then many of the stuff that we used to bear it or keep in heart becuz when we juz start dating we have wonderful acceptance. Then, when it comes to transitional period, all these will become the quarrel topic. My relationship transitional period was 6 months, very punctual, is my problem to make the period occur? I’m not very sure, my 2 previous relationship also like dat, ngam nga...

Touch my heart

These 2 days was listening to 2 songs... Very touching, and melt my heart... I don't know how and what am I supposed to do with my *. It's just confusing... and its hurt.. Your call - Secondhand Serenade Waiting for your call, I'm sick, call I'm angry call I'm desperate for your voice Listening to the song we used to sing In the car, do you remember Butterfly, Early Summer It's playing on repeat, Just like when we would meet Like when we would meet Cause I was born to tell you I love you and I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine Stay with me tonight Stripped and pollished, I am new, I am fresh I am feeling so ambitious, you and me, flesh to flesh Cause every breath that you will take when you are sitting next to me will bring life into my deepest hopes, What's your fantasy? (What's your, what's your...) Cause I was born to tell you I love you and I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine Stay with me tonight And I'm tired of b...


There are so many things we can't control. Just like we can't control our face won't have pimples during period ^o^! About 2 years ago, I have read a book about communication the title quite funny in mandarin " Ways to communicate with crocodiles". LOL! Yeah... crocodile is some kind of animal in the category of amphibian which can live in water or on the land. Crocs' character are quiet, meticulous, introversive and quite stubborn also invasive. Just like humans, there are many types of human being. In our daily life, we have to communicate with ppls, deal with them. For me, currently, have to deal with my parent and a important person in my life. The book taught me a very important step that is before u want to get something from a person, u must give them the things that they want it, such as, u need to borrow money from ur uncle because he is rich but then he quite upset these days because his wife suspected him have keep a woman outside. Alright, then u h...

Should be sad? or angry?

A fren told me about a fren backstab me... Well, its not the 1st time kena backstab liao.. especially when know who is the person backstabing me lagi no suprise. Because i know what's in the person mind, why the person do that. I don't know I should be sad or angry, but, its a fact that the person don't have fren anymore. If the person keep on doing like this, the person will get no more fren. Even have "fren", also not a true fren because the person will not treat any fren with true heart. It is a process of growing up to be more mature to see different faces in different people. Frens said me, mum said me : Stupid la u! For me, writing is the best way to release feeling by using hm.. depend on different ppl la.. use ur words to express wat in ur mind, wat in ur heart. Especially, those speaking is very very hard to speak out from mouth in voice. So, we just can write it down in words. Somehow, when u choose to publish it, u must have the courage to face all the ...